We made it to Bonaire - medical school for Devon will start soon. My how things have changed over the past two or three days...all I can say is the Lord has his hand in everything. We have been so blessed since we arrived. Devon wrote an email to his family that I think I will just cut and paste in here, just to let everyone have a little taste of our Caribbean adventure:
We are staying with the most generous couple from Holland. I may have mentioned before, but they are expecting a child very soon. His name is Bas, pronounced Boss, and she is Eli. They have a huge home with a pool and a two bedroom mother-in-law apartment which they rent out to Elderly LDS Missionary Couples. A new couple arrives on Tuesday so we were told we had the place for only a few days. Wednesday evening (the day we arrived on the island) before we retired for bed, for dinner, we
split a pack of swedish fish and pop rocks and a meal bar. Thursday, we set out to find an apartment and some food. Everyone told us that our chances were slim considering it was New Years Eve and no taxi's would be available due to the fact that a Cruise Ship was in. When a Cruise ship arrives, the 15,000 person populated island can jump to 21,000 people on the island. Needless to say, it is a big deal. Everyone notices the chaos that they bring. We are staying about 3 miles out of the capital Kralendijk, pronounced Cral un dike. So, we set out on foot with Bronson strapped to my back. It took about 45 minutes to reach the first store that had bicycles. We bought two bikes: one for 400 guilders and the other for 275. 1 US dollar is 1.78 guilders. With bikes we were able to reach town much quicker. Most of the realty offices were already closed for the holiday (by noon). We found Sunbelt Realty with very helpful employees. Despite nothing being available in our price range, they went out of their way to call a landlord who had an opening only for the month of January. She asked him if he'd be willing to let a small family stay there for the space of one month. His response was humorous "Iris, how could I not give them the place, It's the Christmas season." We secured the studio apartment for the month of January for $500 dollars US. That makes us happy, considering we now have a month to look for something that will accommodate us until we find a permanent place. The studio is located downtown in Kralendijk, subsequently also where school will be. Then we just wandered around Kralendijk becoming more familiar with the surroundings. There was a concert going on in the street that we watched before heading back up the 3 mile uphill bike ride to our place on Kaya Ruby (Ruby street) in Republiek. We were told to get home early because the streets become alive with fireworks. We had no idea what we were in for. Bas picked us up in his truck about half way up the climb. He's a diving instructor and very familiar with the island. He confirmed we'd be joining them for new years celebration that evening with "snacks and drinks." We bought some vanilla wafers at a nearby store to share, but felt rather sheepish when we got there...It was more than just snacks, it was food fit for a king! We joked and laughed and became a little more familiar with the Dutch culture. There were 5 locals and us two. Meanwhile, the fireworks began. From the view of the back porch we were able to see the entire capital city of Bonaire and even to Curacao which is the neighboring Antillean island. Fireworks lit up the sky from every household on the island. Everyone buys fireworks and shoots them off. Not just regular roman candles and m-80's with the occasional bottle rocket. These are professional, permit requiring fireworks that I've only ever witnessed from Fourth of July shows. Only, on Bonaire, anyone can buy them and set them off. It was as if house
s were having competitions with their neighbors as to who can light up the sky the best. We'll post a video in order to appreciate the military-like display that went on. It was wild, and the fireworks went off all night, into the morning and the next day. We heard them firing off at 10:00 a.m. the next day when we were tidying up. Some are still popping throughout the neighborhood as I write right now. Today, Jan 1st 2010 was a little more relaxed. We rode our bikes about 5 miles to a spot that Bas mentioned was good for snorkeling. It is called Windsock beach, by the airport. A couple from Indiana picked us up with their rented truck and took us the remaining way to the beach. They saw we were a bit hot and sweaty and gave us a two liter bottle of water to stay hydrated. The snorkeling was unreal. Hanauma Bay Hawaii is the best I've ever seen until now. I have to say that Hanauma doesn't hold a candle to what is underwater here. But I won't continue with that as to not be braggy. I had a starring contest with a parrot fish and lost. Those things don't ever blink! The entire perimeter of the island is surrounded by a 30 yard wide, 15 feet deep shelf of shallows, but then it plunges into deep blue oblivion. I tried to hold my breath and see where the scuba divers were going, but it was too deep, and I got spooked by the eels. On our way home, Heidi got a flat tire so we repaired the tube with some crazy glue. Then we found a coconut and opened it with a spoon and a lot of banging on the cement. Tomorrow we'll spend indoors as to let our caucasian skin have a rest and get to work getting ready for school. The wind hasn't ceased to blow since we've arrived. Consistently 25 knots out of the east. Haven't kited yet. They don't like kiters to go just anywhere because the island is swarming with divers and snorkelers. Kiting is isolated to an area about 8 miles south of Kralendijk. It's probably just as well that it's not very easily accessible for me. Bronson is doing very well. Everywhere we go, he is strapped to our backs with the camel carrier. People drive by and honk at the funny site. He loves the ride though, and now when we put him to bed at night, we don't rock him so much as bounce him - I guess the bumpy bike rides have become soothing to him. All is well with Heidi and I too, healthy and happy - if not just a touch pinker than we used to be. No matter how much sunscreen we apply, we still seem to burn. I guess that's the result from being so much closer to the equator.
Wow! What an adventure. I think I would've been so stressed the entire time. you're great at going with the flow. you'll have to tell more more about the Dutch culture. My mom's ancestors are dutch.
cool! your in the Caribbean!!! does this mean we can come visit?! haah! jk the tickets to get over there are probably expensive! but if we were rich we would totally come and visit!! good luck w/ the apt hunting...
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