Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So I decided that this blog area is more of a journal update than a photo album, so I'm going to cut back on the photos, and try to increase the text. I'm awful at going online, though. With the weather as amazing as it is right now, after work (inside), all I want to do is be outside, playing with my fun husband. We have had such an enjoyable time being married. We love biking, playing tennis, kiting, camping, and everything else outside. We always go for walks on Sundays, and try to ride our bikes to work and to run errands as much as the weather permits. We first began this in an effort to save on gas, but it has become more than that now. I feel my legs strengthening, and my body and mind are invigorated by the task. The days that it's raining or that I'm running late and end up driving are my slowest, most sleepy days. My body runs better when it begins the day with a workout. Since we've lived in the avenues of Salt Lake, Devon and I have both become much more "green". Everyone here rides bikes to school and work. Everyone (including us) has gardens. The only thing we have to start doing to fit in is take our own bag to the grocery store. Honestly, though, it is very inspiring to live here. So many passionate bikers, rock climbers, and skiiers. The outdoorsy spirit is contagious. And as I mentioned in the Moab blog, it is with nature that I feel closest to Heavenly Father. I have loved living in Utah, and will definitely miss it when we move (hopefully we can keep the outdoor spirit alive wherever we end up).


Laura said...

I think there is a big push for "green" every where. I also think we see it more now that the weather is nice. I'm glad you ride your bikes so much and that you live close enough to do that. I live too far from my work to ride my bike there, but I do take the bus to help out. I'm also happy that you updated your blog. It's fun to read what you do day to day.

Aubrey said...

Heidi! I am so glad to find your blog! How are you guys doing?